Thursday, December 30, 2010


Well, another year gone already. So many things happening in a short period of time. For me, the year was all about music, hard study, horses, beer, hopeless teachers, German girls, and pretty much anything else!

Here's just a few things from the world of Mitch M in 2010
I now have Friends in Hanover, Germany
I turned eighteen and quickly introduced myself to Beer and Galliano
I spent countless hours buying, sorting, and playing (hopefully) the hottest new dance music around
I busted my ass to get an OP 7 (yes I am going to boast, to all you haters jam it!)
I can now get into law!
I still don't have a love life (Mrs Palmer, be available tonight and I won't be paying you)
I thought I'd met a real hotty before finding out she was getting married (grrrrr, she some hotness!)
I almost told certain teachers where to go, but I didn't so I will now, for all the shit they caused for me while I busted my ass
Mrs C, fuck you
Mr. S, You are a useless wanker!
Mrs H, grow a brain, or start using the pea sized one you have
Mrs S, just smile! Bleh!

I didn't use full nnames for obvious reasons. For all those who did give me assistance and support this, I wholeheartedly thank you...

I had a punt, and lost a punt at the Melbourne Cup. Maybe next year Holberg!

So that was me for this year.

Oh, and Jan, you know who you are, thank you so much for all the help this year, and stick that finger up in disgust my lady! Gold!

As for NYE, I will be at a pool party, with loud music, beer, and hopefully some hotties (ones that aren't getting maried)

Happy NYE!

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